Discovering the music of Pantha Du Prince was one of the better experiences for me in 2007, musically speaking. Shortly after the release of his second full length, This Bliss, he played the album to a small crowd at Mutek in Montreal, where my best friend and I stood in wonderment while our ears took in a satisfying dose of crisp, clean, melodically beautiful techno. After the show I introduced myself to Hendrik Weber, the mysterious caped German responsible for producing such a unique sound of immeasurably high quality. Upon his inquiry as to where I was from, the conversation quickly turned to his infatuation with "ze naturr", which I heard about every time we spoke during the 3 day festival.
One year later, on a perfectly humid spring day in Paris, I was sitting in a park alongside the Seine, listening to This Bliss on my headphones. I noticed an approaching figure on the path, a caped figure in layers of black despite the warmth of spring. I sat, favourite music in my ears as a soundtrack while I watched Pantha Du Prince slowly walk by, standing out amounst the tourists around him. Once out of sight, I realized perhaps he was in Paris to play a show, so I collected myself and took off in haste to try and find him. I ducked through the crowd down one narrow cobblestone street after another, all the while my most favourite song, Steiner Im Flug loud in my ears. click bellow to listen...
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